Thursday, 11 February 2021

The Vanishing Half

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Book: The Vanishing Half

Author: Britt Bennett

Genre: Historical Fiction

Language: English

This was on my TBR ever since it won Goodreads Choice Awards in historical fiction category. What better way to start year's reading with this acclaimed book. It didn't disappoint. In fact it lived up to the expectations.

In 1960s Stella and Desiree Vignes, twin sisters run away from a small town Mallard in Louisiana at the age of 16 to escape the laborious life and simplicity. The Malllard blacks pride themselves about their light colour that they have achieved over the course of generations voluntarily. However, Desiree returns after 14 years with her dark child Jude and settles there. While Stella opts for a new life as a white woman, cleverly hiding her background from her white husband and daughter.

The story line spans between 50s to 90s with racism at its center. It details with several issues like physical abuse, gender identity and inequality, bullying, relationships, motherhood.

Can't wait to watch the miniseries by HBO of the same.

Definitely a must read. 

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