Sunday 28 June 2020

Piku-Movie Review

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Film: Piku
Director: Shoojit Sirkar
Cast: Amitabh Bacchan, Deepika Padukone, Irrfan Khan, Moushmi Chatterjee, Jisshu Sengupta
Language: Hindi

Piku directed by Shoojit Sirkar and penned down by Juhi Chaturvedi. They are the same duo who gave us another intense movie Vicky Donor.  We liked "Madras Cafe" too.

WeReflect: Piku is a story of Piku, a successful architect who is the primary caregiver for her hypochondriac father, Bhashkor Banerjee. Bhashkor has constipation problem and quite obsessed with color, consistency of his stool. They discuss about it on the dinner table as it is the most natural thing to do. Bhashkor is annoying and drives his daughter up the wall most of the time. They bicker all the time. He is selfish, insensitive, irritating, and brutally honest. Albeit this you love him. He is a staunch feminist and thinks women marring and settling down are of low IQ's. He embarrasses his daughter by discussing her virginity status and sex life with prospectus suitors. He selfishly tells her 'I gave birth to you, you look after me. Why look after in-laws? Now there there! 90% people can't digest this. Nobody has articulated this issue before. People expect girl to leave everything behind and adapt a new life in her in-law's place as her own while the boy doesn't get to change anything. When we raise this particular question, the only answer we get is Indian culture. They meant "patriarchal culture" we fathom. We digress.

Here enters "Rana" who volunteers to drive Piku and her father from Delhi to Kolkata when Bhashkor demands to visit his ancestral house. Irfaan Khan, one of the best actors of our time is witty with his dry humor, subtle dialogue delivery, emoting in silence. His antics in the course of road trip is so humorous, it cackles you up. The rapport he develops with Piku is endearing. Still can't believe his death!

The movie also tackles another sensitive issue, elderly care. What to do when your parents are fragile, completely dependent upon you, and their act is of 3 year olds. It delicately deals about the responsibility, sacrifice, and role reversal of offspring.

The gorgeous Deepika Padukone in titular role expresses everything through her kohl-lined doe eyes. She has come a long way in her career, and she has set her bar literally high this time. Piku is the new feminist, who abashedly admits about her sexual needs, confident enough to pursue casual relationships, uptight, snappy, and real.

Amitabh Bacchan sank his teeth into the character of Bhashkor Banerjee. Oh! this man has a brilliant comic timing. His Bhashkor Banerjee is nothing like mild-natured Bhaskar Banerjee of Anand. His squabble with his sister-in-law (Moushumi Chatterjee) is adorable.

This could be the first film which handled the topic "constipation" in a comical way. It has been a very long time since we've seen the bondage between father and daughter. The last one we remember is Kannada film "Lali" starring Vishnuvardhan and Mohini, a sensational one.

Make time to watch this

Sunday 21 June 2020

Game of Thrones-TV Series Review

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Show: Game of Thrones
Genre: Fantasy drama
Seasons: 8
Starring: Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Lena Heady, Emilia Clarke, Kit Harrington, Peter Dinklage, Maisie Williams, Sophie Turner and others

Game of thrones, highly acclaimed fantasy drama created for HBO.  It is an adaptation of George R. R. Martin's "A song of ice and fire", created by David Benioff and D.B.Weiss.

Despite the disaapointing end, the show is a cult classic. And we give condescending looks when somebody says they haven't watched GOT. 

The series set in the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos. The narrative is categorized into three. One, noble houses battling for the iron throne of the seven kingdom. Second, rising threat beyond the wall and its mythical creatures (white walkers). Third, exiled princess'(rightful heir!)pursuit in reclaiming the realm and iron throne.

WeReflect: Why do we think it is one of the greatest shows of current time? The story is intriguing and incredible. We have read three books so far and will continue to read the rest in our own pace. It has numerous characters and each develops in its own phase, so do our emotional bondage with them. It is unpredictable. Everybody is vulnerable, easily disposable, and very much natural. We had many sleepless nights wondering who is going to die in the next episode or season, good and bad alike. They are conceivable and in sync with current world. Is it possible to completely loath someone and love at the same time? It is in this fictional world. Opinions of individual characters and houses change throughout the series. Once your most despised character, turns out to be most cherished when you see the world through their eyes. You can't apply first impression is the best theory here. It is not always good win over evil. No one-dimensional character here. Everybody has their own demons to fight for.

It portrays the the emotion of love, compassion, betrayal, revenge, treachery, family, honor. It has the scandalous incest, homosexuality, bisexuality, polyamory, sex, and ample of nudity. The beautiful chateau, dungeons, picturesque countryside, menacing dragons, medieval landscape, and costumes  will transport you into a different era. It is truly a visual treat. Many people complain about the gory and violence, but in our humble opinion the story demands it. And it is clearly not for the fainthearted.

We wish we could narrate the story here, which is next to impossible. The least we could do is review season by season in the coming days. We have watched the complete show thrice and would not mind fouth, fifth, or innumerable times of viewing it.

The characters are Daenerys Targaryen, Tyrwin Lannister, Arya Stark, Cerci Lanister, John Snow, Eddard Stark, Ser Jorah Mormont, Little finger, master of whisperers and many more. While watching we were clueless about what is going to happen in the coming days. We fervently debate over the characters like they are our extended family. Our stake was on Daenerys Stormborn to win the "Iron Throne." At times we feared for my favourite characters because we know George Martin is a ruthless old man who doesn't believe in happy endings. Fans know what we are talking here.

If you haven't watched it yet, no issues.  But make time to watch it because GOT is the best thing that ever happened to television. We highly recommend it for its general awesomeness.

Some of the dialogues that were inculcated in our daily life;
"Winter is coming"
"A Lannisters always pay their debts"
"I learnt how to die a long time ago"
"Kings are dying like flies"

Sunday 14 June 2020

Love Story-Book Review

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Book: Love Story
Author: Erich Segal
Publisher: Harper and Row (USA); Hodder and Stoughton (UK)
Genre: Romance
Pages: 131
Publication Year: 1970 

Love Story by Erich Segal is considered classic because it happened to inspire many movies and books and it still does.  I heard a lot about this book from time to to, but somehow postponing to read it. That is presumably because it is a tragedy. There I said it. I don't like tragedies. Then what made me to pick this book in the first place? After reading intense and disturbing "Gone Girl", I needed something simpler. It is only 131 pages and if you are a fast reader like me, can finish it off in an hour.  

Story: Oliver Barrett IV, Harvard Jock, WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant), rich boy falls for Jennifer Cavilleri, Radcliffe music major, smart, witty, poor girl of Italian-American origin. Even being from two different worlds their love deepens and they decide to get married at the end of college year. Oliver's father disinherits him for marrying Jenny against his wish. They struggle financially as Jenny works as a teacher in a public school to put Oliver through Law School. He lands a plush job in a New York law firm with fat paycheck. It is now the couple thinks of starting family, but the fate has something else in store for them. When Jenny is unable to conceive, they visit a doctor. After running series of tests, he informs Oliver that Jenny has leukemia and her days are numbered. Oliver tries to be normal as instructed by doctor, but Jenny knows. Her treatment starts and Oliver goes to his father for money, which Mr. Barrett III gives, but he doesn't know the reason. Jenny talks with her father one last time and tells him to be strong for Oliver. She says Oliver not to blame himself as it is nobody's mistake. She asks him to hold her tightly one last time before she dies. Oliver Barrett III learns about Jenny's illness and drives off to Hospital, but by the time he reaches, she is gone. He says sorry to which Oliver IV replies "Love means never having to say you're sorry" and breaks down in his arms.


Oliver Barrett IV:  Oliver is heir apparent to Barrett opulence and legacy (banking sector) aspires to do law from Harvard. He has a tumultuous relationship with his father for 'being programmed for Barrett tradition." He feels he is constantly compared by his father's personal proficiency. Barrett is a big name in Harvard block because of their generous donations. He has insane approach to be topper in whatever he does and again he attributes it to family heritage. He is often embarrassed by his family's wealth and connection. He is an exceptional hockey player. He falls in love with Jenny who is very much contrast to him in every possible way. He is gallant enough to marry Jenny when his father threatens to disinherit him. He adjusts himself to simpler life or what he calls scrounge. When Jenny is diagnosed with leukemia, he feels guilty; buys tickets to Paris, which Jenny couldn't go. For him to come out of his father's shadow is a task. He is the guy who will go to any extent for his loved ones. He is an emotional guy who loved his wife and wanted normal things in life. 

Jennifer Cavilleri: A witty, smart, spunky small-town girl from Cranston, Rhode Island, studying music major in Radcliffe, bagged a scholarship for higher studies in France. She lost her mother to a motor vehicle accident and raised single-handedly by her father whom she address by his first name. She shares a loving relationship with her father and values a great deal about it. She is catholic by religion, but atheist by belief. She drops off the plan to go to Paris to marry Oliver. She is the one who worked her ass off as a teacher to put him through Law School. She tries hard to reconcile her husband with his estranged father. When she was diagnosed with dreadful disease, she was brave enough to accept it was nobody's fault.

Two more worth mentioning characters are Phil Cavilleri and Oliver Barrett III.

WeReflect: "What can you say about a twenty-five year old girl who died?  That she was beautiful and brilliant. That she loved Mozart and Bach. The Beatles. And me."

It starts with narration from Oliver about a girl. So, from the beginning readers will know the love story is doomed. I liked the elemental humor in conversation between Oliver and Jenny. There are not many characters in the book, but it touches a cord. It talks about relationship, family, marriage, pain, lose, and importantly love. In a short span of knowing each other, protagonists go through a lot of struggle, yet they are optimistic about the future until the destiny struck them really hard. There are lot of cuss words used in conversation, but it definitely worked for them. By far Jenny is my personal favourite. She is not some damsel in distress or conventional heroine that we come across often in stories. And the remarkable "Love means never having to say you're sorry." That is perhaps one of the dumbest things I heard. Love means got to say sorry when one is at fault.

It is 45 years old, but still holds good in so many aspect. It is a breezy read, though not a tearjerker for me. I recommend to go ahead and read it because it deserves to be read.

I can think of two movies which were inspired by Love Story. One is Khawhish, staring Mallika Sherawat, yes before the noted "murder". Another one is "Amritadhare" Kannada movie starring Ramya and Dhyan.

My favourite quotes are:

What the hell makes you so smart?" I asked. "I wouldn't go for coffee with you," she answered. "Listen, I wouldn't ask you." "That" she replied is what makes you stupid."
"Please, if one of us cries, let both of us cry. But preferably neither of us."
"He had then warned his daughter not to violate the Eleventh Commandment." "Which is what"? I asked her. "Do 
not bullshit thy father," she said.

Sunday 7 June 2020

Animated Love

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I was one the snobs who used to say "Animation is only for kids" for a very long time. Tarun loves animated movies. It was he who introduced me to that genre. I watched few movies along with him reluctantly. If I can remember correctly those few were Kung Fu Panda, Happy Feet, Ice Age, Finding Nemo, etc. To my surprise I enjoyed them immensely yet not game enough to pick a film on my own.
Then came Disney's "Frozen" and I was bowled over for forever, just like the song "For the first time in forever" if you get the gist. From then onwards I went onto watch many more animated films and now genuinely an ardent fan.

In animated movies sea is the limitation for creation. It is always good versus evil kind of storytelling. There is not much violence or gory, and you can be sure of a happy ending. 

Most of the movies will have a gripping screenplay and many a times it is a roller coaster ride of emotions. And who wouldn't love a good story? The visualization will be remarkable. The characterization will be so endearing you couldn't help but falling in love with them. To this date, Po from Kung Fu Panda remains my favourite character. It would be innumerable times that I have chanted "inner peace, inner peace" like Master Shifu. There is an innate goodness in those heroic characters. We all human beings might be different, but one thing common is we would all like to believe in our righteousness. 

Like I said earlier the imagination will be boundless. For example take the movie "The secret life of pets". Have we ever thought what our pets will do once we leave them alone at home? That is what they show in there. In this genre anything is possible and everything is beyond reality. So, it is much easy to accept and enjoy how the story unfolds. That is so relaxing for a overly judgmental person like me. The graphic will be electrifying. I'm not an authority on the technical part of work, but they are brilliant enough for me understand how a person behind a computer can create this magical world for you. And mostly it would be a fun riot.

Today I'm totally a different person. Now if I hear somebody saying "Animation is only for kids", I just sympathetically shake my head. Well, most of the time my sarcasm is lost on them. Maybe it will take them a little while to understand what an amazing genre that is.