Thursday 23 April 2020

World Book Day

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Truly gifted are the people who could be lost in the wonderful world of books.

This 'World Book Day' we've decided to jot down our top 10 favourite fiction books. The choice was not easy considering the innumerable options we had. And we were sure it should be a mix of both classics and modern. If given the option we will do nothing but read. George RR Martin quotes "A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, the man who never reads lives only one". How aptly he puts the significance of reading in one sentence. While reading, the reader is in the story, he/she follows the characters, go where they go, see what they see, hear what they hear, feel what they feel, experience all the emotions they go through. Books the constant companions that will never allow you to be lonely. According to us a book can be slow, dull, and drab, but never bad. without much adieu;

1. Karvalo-Poornachandra Tejaswi
2. Harry Potter Series-J.K.Rowling
3. Parva-S.L.Bhyrappa
4. To Kill A Mockingbird-Harper Lee
5. The Kite Runner-Khaled Hosseini
6. Lolita-Vladimir Nabokov
7. War and Peace-Leo Tolstoy
8. Millennium series-Stieg Larsson
9. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas-John Boyne
10. Wonder-R. J. Palacio

We would love to put in a detailed post about the above-mentioned books in the coming days. There are millions of books out there to be read and so little time. Same goes for writing.

Sunday 19 April 2020

GK Maastarara Pranaya Prasanga-Play Review

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Writer: Dr. Chandrashekar Kambara

Director: Bhaskar Neenasam
Language: Kannada
Music: Sathya Radha Krishna
Artists: Ashok, Palguni Rao, Meghana Nataraj, Raksha Kashyap, Madhukar Siddu, Varun Davanagere, Vismaya Bangalore and others
Troupe: Vishwapatha Kala Sangama (Vikasam)
Time: 1 hour 20 minutes

Synopsis: He is the epitome of discipline and dedication, manifestation of several virtues. His students and lecturers in his college fear him. Even his detractors grudgingly admire him. That is G.K. Mastara for you. Though G.K. has lived principle,  austere life, and close to retirement, Cupid has his own plans and ironically G.K. becomes part of it. Burdened by his ailing wife, he is attracted to his own student, Roja who would pass of as his own daughter. He is ravished by her lure and allure, and advances only emboldens him. How does G.K. proceed with love? How does he try to win Roja over? How does it end?

WeReflect: This is the screen adaptation of Jnanapitha awardee Dr. Chandrashekar Kambara's novel of the same name. Kambara is the flag-bearer in adopting the North Karnataka dialect in his plays and poems, which was uncommon in those days.

G.K. Master is the principal of an educational institution and a stickler for discipline. His students as well as colleagues are afraid of him and acts nervously around him. His personal life is not hunky dory either. His wife is sickly and bedridden. Her poor health is attributed to the untimely death of their only son due to lack of medical assistance at the right time. It is delicately implied the couple blame themselves for this mishap. 

To organize the annual day celebration, G.K. invites other teachers and student union leader Girrappa for the discussion. Here young Girrappa stands up to G.K.'s authority putting forward few demands from the students in regards to the upcoming event. Corrupt teacher M.T informs G.K. about the rumor that has been doing the round in college campus, that is Girrappa misbehaving with the girl named Roja, which infuriates GK. When called for inquiry, Girrappa aggressively tells the principal to not interfere in his personal matters. Now GK has no other option but to suspend Girrappa from college, which results in cancellation of annual day as most students are in favour of Girrappa.

Roja, the girl in the above-mentioned rumor approaches GK and asks him to withdraw the suspension against Girrappa dismissing all the allegations. Not only that she gives him a love letter confessing her attraction. It is true GK was captivated by her beauty and charm much before this event and that is the reason he was riled up against Girrappa in the first place.

Being in love changes his attitude dramatically. He turns deaf ear to absurd comments made on his transformed attire and style. He sees Girrappa as his rival in wooing Roja. Where this adventure leads to? Has GK Master made error in judgment? How this crazy charade impacts his family life?

Performance by lead actors were praiseworthy, especially of G.K. Master. Hightlights of the drama are the stage design and tremendous usage of the props. The swimming competition scene between G.K and Girrappa had us in splits. That is just an example. It was easy to visualize the 70s decade because of the costumes. Though not original music was peppy and goes along with the theme perfectly. We were lost in the world of GK Master and his quirkiness pretty happily. 

Verdict: Must watch play by Vishwapaha Kala Sangama (Vikasam). Keep a tab on BookMyShow for their next event.

Sunday 12 April 2020

12 Angry Men-Movie Review

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Film: 12 Angry Men
Director: Sidney Lumet
Starring: Henry Fonda, Lee J. Cobb, Ed Begley, E.G. Marshall, Jack Warden
Year: 1957 

This movie was released in 1959. We were apprehensive in the beginning as it was a black and white movie. The film was listed in 'Must Watch Film' of all time, a classic we were told.

Plot: The film begins with an end of a trail and judge instructing the jurors to come to a verdict. Here we will see only a glimpse of the accused. The accused is a teenager, prosecuted for the murder of his abusive father. Now the 12 jurors must come to an unanimous vote either guilty or non-guilty beyond reasonable doubt. The vote was 11-1 for guilty. The juror 8th thinks the accused could be non-guilty, even he is not sure. His reason is simple "I think we owe him a few words, that's all",  which annoys all other jurors.

Nonetheless, they participate in this out of court defending and prosecuting trail. The murder was explained, the weapon, accused's background as well. The credibility of two witnesses, an old man and a lady across the street were discussed. Slowly one by one changes their vote from guilty to non-guilty except juror 3. This man's judgment was clouded by his estranged relationship with his son and the idea of a son killing his own father. Finally they vote unanimously.  The movie ends with jury 8 and jury 9 introducing themselves.

WeReflect: The 12 jurors are from different background, social status, education, upbringing, and profession. The movie deals with a lot of prejudice, preconceived notion, bias, and baggage. However, they all come to one decision after a lot of logical and rational debate.

The film is about 90 minutes long and major parts were shot in one single room. It neither shows the crime scene nor the original trail, yet you get the complete picture of the crime. It is a classic example that a good movies can be made without the grand sets or outdoorsy. The strong screenplay and perfect casting is the strength. It lost in Oscar to another classic 'Bridge over river Kwai' and that one is another master piece.

We're not familiar with any of the actors, but they are all brilliant and intense. We're elated to finally watch this film, which we were postponing just because it is "Black & White". 

Anyone who is a movie buff like us must watch this one for its brilliant craft and get inspired to be a better person. It is time-honored for a reason after all.

Sunday 5 April 2020

Finding Audrey-Book Review

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Title: Finding Audrey
Author: Sophie Kinsella 
Genre: Young Adult

“I think what I've realized is, life is all about climbing up, slipping down, and picking yourself up again"

Sophie Kinsella is my guilty pleasure writer. I loved her shopaholic series and several other stand alone novels. Mostly her characters are hilarious, ridiculous, and will have you in splits. Some say Kinsella's genre is chic-lit, and I dislike the word chic-lit attached to any books for that matter.

Blurb: Audrey can't leave the house. she can't even take off her dark glasses inside the house. Then her brother's friend Linus stumbles into her life. With his friendly, orange-slice smile and his funny notes, he starts to entice Audrey out again - well, Starbucks is a start. And with Linus at her side, Audrey feels like she can do the things she'd thought were too scary. Suddenly, finding her way back to the real world seems achievable

WeReflect: Audrey, a 14-year-old girl suffers from social anxiety disorder after a disturbing incident of bullying at her school. The gang of girls responsible for this was suspended. Audrey stays in home, wears dark glasses even at home to avoid eye contact with anybody and everybody. she is mostly home-schooled and is hopeful to go to a different school the next academic year. She has a therapist named Dr. Sarah who is helping Audrey to get better slowly and steadily. Though proactive about recovery, Audrey feels she is not inching towards the goal faster. One fine day she meets Linus, her brother's friend and things start to look up. They befriend and Linus sets few challenges for her to achieve as a part of exposure therapy to overcome her anxiety. 

Kinsella writes about a mental illness in a light-hearted manner. The family dynamics is hilarious and cute. Audrey's Daily Mail obsessed mother who thinks playing video game is bad and hell-bend on sending her son to more outdoor activities. Her father is typical "Yes Man" who is always on his blackberry and agrees with everything his wife says. Both the characters are cliched, but evokes giggle on many occasions. Frank, Audrey's brother is my favourite who is hooked to the LOC (Land of conqueror) game. His constant bickering with his mother had me in snort to no end. He is manipulative, naughty, and grumpy, typical for a teenager.  He is a supportive and understanding brother who goes out of his way to make her feel better. The love story between Linus and Audrey is okay nothing earth shattering. And mental illness doesn't get automatically cured by a lover. She had a very supportive and protective family, so there is no lack of love and affection in her life. Her recovery graph elevated without much glitches, which is quite impossible in real life. Thankfully they haven't showed Audrey completely getting cured from anxiety disorder. I wished there was a small chapter explaining the bullying incident that triggered Audrey's anxiety. We were given insight and clues here and there about the incident and I know it is left to reader's imagination.

It is an easy read and one can finish within 3 hours in a go. For me there can never be a bad book. This one had me in cackles several times.